Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Creating a New Catalogue :
Start Lightroom (If it asks to backup then select ‘Skip Now’)
Create a New Catalogue :-
Select ‘File->New Catalog …’
Import images into the catalogue
Add some keywords to the images as you do this.
Select an image and add keywords for all the dominant colours in the image; separated by commas.

Select ‘Photo -> Stacking -> Group into Stack’.

Find 3 ways to expand and collapse the stack – list them here –
i. Photo -> Stacking -> Group into Stack
ii. Control click on the stack and click expand

You can also Expand the stack and rearrange the images in the stack to move a different image to the top of the stack.

You can also create virtual copies.

Shortcuts Some useful keyboard shortcuts are :-
Tab - Hide / Show side panels
Tab - Hide / Show all panels
F - Full Screen modes
L - Dim the lights
~ - Flag the selected photos
/ - Display Module specific shortcuts

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