Tuesday, October 19, 2010


1. Find all the folders on the computer that store profiles. (.icc, .icm)

MAC options:
System > Library > Color Sync > Profiles


Library > Application Support > Adobe > Color > Profiles

examples of profiles: AdobeRGB1998.icc / GenericCMYKProfile.icc / GenericLabProfile.icc
sRGBprofile.icc / BlackWhite.icc / CIERGB.iccc / ColorMatchRGB.icc

2. Use the ColorSync Utility to compare the following profiles:

sRGB / AdobeRGB / ProPhotoRGB

Monitor Profile

Printer Profile

For each set, which is bigger?
What extra colors does it have?

Non Destructive Imaging/Editing Notes & Questions

part 1: the evolution of non-destructive imaging
1. define 'non-destructive imaging': editing the image in such a way so that it retains all the original info and image data.
2.List four challenges introduced by digital photography: the creation of a vast # of photos, too may ways to capture/alter an image, the need to interpret and duplicate the source image in many ways (ie black&white) and the desire for new technologies.
3. What is meant by derivative file? image files created from the original archive file
4. What are two problems with using 'Save AS...' to create derivative files? takes up alot of storage space on your hardrive, you have to save it under a different file name which can cause confusion.
5. what is self referenced NDI? layers and more layers, a set of instructions for rendering the photo
6. Two advantages of NDI over the use of derivative files: The instructions in an NDI take up less storage, you can also clearly see what has been done to the image using NDI.
7. Define parametric image editing? (PIE) editing of images by creating instructions or parameters.
8. What is the difference between a live rendering and a fixed rendering? live rendering includes seeing a thumbnailof changes that would be later applied. fixed is saved just as pixel instructions.
9. List three advantages of NDI: multiple photo manipulation, unlimited undo, space saving

Render: presents a digital object by converting high level object descriptions into a graphical representation.

part 2

1.What is a rendering engine? describes the color gamut of any device on which the image is being displayed
2. What three things determine the final color of an image pixel? the original image data, the rendering engines mathematical formulas, settings applied by the user to the rendering software.
3. What are the three main components of a RAW file? jpeg preview, metadata, mosaicd raw image
4. Can PIE software ONLY be used on raw files? NO, it can be used on any/ all source files tiff, jpegs etc.
5. What is live rendering? A view of the image in a PIE program. This is the default rendering of the image.
6. Where can rendering metadata be stored? on camera, any PIE software, XMP file.
7. Give two examples of fixed rendering: Derivative and Prints!
8. Is a preview a live or fixed rendering of the image? fixed rendering
9. Where can previews be stored? embedded on camera, file browsers, cataloguing software.
10. Why do file browsers and cataloguing software create previews? to speed up the display of the photos.

part 3:

1. What model does cataloguing software use? library model
2. Where are the images stored in a catalogue based system? essentially any folders on computer, or in the program
3. Where does the catalogue get its initial info about the files? metadata xmp files
4. Where does the catalogue store this info? in the catalogue database
5. What is the main organising principle of browser based systems? file systems
6. How do cataloguing systems organise their images? dates and times, keywords, filters
7. How does a cataloguing system make changes to an image? made up of dng files** not sure of this one
8. Can other programs see the changes? Yes once exported and saved
9. How does a cataloguing system make changes to an image available to other programs? Must be imported ** again not sure
10. List 5 advantages of cataloguing based PIE software:
-space saving
-can edit non-destructively
-can add metadata
-can be exported out as any file type at any size with any resolution
-opens directly into other programs
-associates info with one origianl file
-creates useful groups from scattered images
-can work with offline images
-eases backup and restoration tasks
-generates multiple output types from a single source
11. Give two examples of software that combine image cataloguing and editing functions? adobe bridge and lightroom 2.